Representation of the Supreme Leader

Representation of the Supreme Leader is active in two Fouman and Caspian Faculties. In addition to the noon and evening congregational prayers emphasize the holding of religious ceremonies during the holidays and the days of the martyrdom of the Imams and the holding of a series of insightful training classes.

The Representation of the Supreme Leader in Universities According to the order of Ayatollah Khamenei as a sublime purpose and in order to create a faithful and devoted university under the guidance of God and in order to explain Islamic values ​​and deepen the religious and religious awareness of students and academics The final decision of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in March 1993 on the establishment of a new organization for the realization of His Holiness's menus was based on certain goals and tasks, which in all universities and higher education centers perform the duties authorized in the statute.

In order to achieve these goals and divine duties, the institution of representation in universities has presented two important and fundamental principles:

1- Emphasis and serious efforts on infrastructural and deep cultural movements in the direction of growth and development of religious and Islamic ideas and knowledge of students and academics.

2- Creating and strengthening the spirit of mobility and active participation of students and academics in the field of political, social and cultural activities at the level of society and universities.

Representative of the Supreme Leader in faculty: Haj Agha Farjam (Contact Number: 013-34915180)